Studio Maffei Milano | Is Proud To Support Its Local Artists - New York 09|2010 Milano 12|2010

Studio Maffei Milano

“SMM Is proud to support its local artists”
Doppia personale di Corrado Abate e Fabrizio Braghieri

Inaugurazione: 2 dicembre 2010 
Dalle ore 18 alle ore 21
3 dicembre  2010 – 19 gennaio 2011
Studio Maffei Milano
Viale Bligny 39, 20136

Lo Studio Maffei di Milano è lieto di presentare Studio Maffei Milano | New York is proud to support its local artists, una doppia personale di Corrado Abate e Fabrizio Braghieri a cura di Igor Zanti.
Di ritorno a Milano, dopo l’autunno newyorkese che ha visto la galleria proporre quattro dei suoi artisti nella temporary gallery sulla Broadway, e dopo aver sviluppato un ampio e complesso progetto di promozione dell’arte italiana in ambito statunitense, si è deciso di inaugurare la stagione invernale presentando una doppia personale  di due degli artisti che maggiormente hanno attirato l’attenzione del pubblico  e della critica statunitense durante la trasferta newyorkese.
In mostra, divisa da un’ ideale linea che ripartisce la galleria in maniera equa e speculare, favorendo  una sorta di dialogo tra le due differenti personalità artistiche, una selezione di lavori che, sul filo di un’ indagine materica, a tratti scomposta ed a tratti rigorosissima, crea un insieme armonioso e coerente, ponendo  l’accento su un fare arte all’”italiana” di grande raffinatezza ed eleganza.
Lo stesso titolo dell’esposizione è stato pensato per far comprendere al pubblico che non ci troviamo di fronte ad un evento fine a sé stesso, ma piuttosto ad un progetto culturale in evoluzione che  impegna gli artisti e il gallerista nell’arduo ma necessario tentativo di porre l’arte italiana in una dimensione più internazionale, traendo, attraverso il classico format della mostra personale, le conclusioni e le riflessioni nate da un viaggio, non solo fisico ma, in un certo senso, metaforico. Come era già successo a  New York, anche in questa esposizione vengono privilegiati i lavori installativi, lavori che sia nel caso di Abate che di Braghieri, rappresentano ed esemplificano la complessità e la poliedricità della produzione dei due artisti.



Dec. 12 - 2010 Jan. 8 - 2011 Milano

Sept. 12 | Oct 18 - 2010 New York City


876 Broadway
New York, NY 10003
+1212-780-0051 (phone)
+1212-780-0061 (fax)
Hours: Mon-Sat 10-7 Sun 11-6

Is pleased to announce the opening of "STUDIO MAFFEI MILANO IS PROUD TO SUPPORT ITS LOCAL ARTISTS", combining solo exhibitions from 4 different Italian emerging and mid-career artists into one show. This show highlights a selection of recent and site-specific works, chosen among some of the most talented Italian artists, exhibited during the last two years of the gallery’s activity.

In addition to the exhibits located in the basement of Environment, located at 876 Broadway, we will also be featuring the scenario/arrangement shift in the front window on the ground floor. Each Sunday, for a period of four weeks, the artists will re-arrange the 'room', using Eco-design supplies provided by Environment, with the artists' own personal taste, and setting the artworks within their most common context: at home. The concept is to highlight the incredible and, at times, under-valuated link between Design and Contemporary Art. The aim is to provide to the spectator the idea of the artworks positioned in an environment different than a museum, enriching our knowledge upon ones everyday surrounding and (hopefully) make it better.

The Exhibition will also host a gift shop where artists can sell smaller authentic and unique works dedicated to America, and particularly to New York City. Items like frottage, t-shirt, drawings, books, publishing and video not available on the market, which represent the expression of artists' work on show, and are dedicated to supporting the project with the broader cultural spirit of this era: contamination as a method of investigation.

The artists - especially emerging - need to be supported, in order to accomplish their work. In response to that, STUDIO MAFFEI MILANO will create a mini-market showing those talents in which it firmly believes, and providing assistance in combining alternative communication projects. Our first goal is to build and grow a significant relationship between art and people, with an active and socially conscious market, trying to tilt the balance towards the artistic sensibility and aesthetic flow.

Established in April 2008, STUDIO MAFFEI MILANO is a concept gallery dedicated to the use of Contemporary Art for the development, communication, and realization of alternative exhibition projects and to the investigation of new ideas inspired by the sharing of diverse social experiences between artists, curators, collectors and professionals in the sector. The gallery aims to feature debut-emerging and mid-career artists, both local and foreign, conceived to showcasing works that both reflect and refract the contemporary culture of life. The headquarters are located in Milan, Italy, but rather than adopt a gallery-as-sanctuary mentality, STUDIO MAFFEI MILANO encourages its artists to work freely, altering the space as they see fit, working on site-specific projects around the world. Exhibitions feature a broad range of contemporary art: painting, sculpture, film/video, performance, mixed-media, and conceptual installation.

ENVIRONMENT is garnering attention in four Eco-conscious cities in the United States and starting to build up great interest all over the world. The brand has won rave reviews from Time Magazine, New York Times, Elle Décor, Domino, Los Angeles Magazine, C Magazine and The Wall Street Journal amongst other publications. Home design and green bloggers are reviewing Environment's designs on a daily basis. Part design consortium, part modern craftsman, Environment is a furniture brand unlike any other, underscoring its commitment to people and the planet through a forward thinking dedication to using materials and processes with low environmental impact and working together with organizations such as the Tropical Rainforest Trust (TFT) to eliminate illegal and controversial tropical wood from supply chains and replace it with wood from TFT forest projects from FSC certified forests.
Established on April 2008, STUDIO MAFFEI MILANO is a concept gallery dedicated to the use of contemporary art to the development, communication, and realization of alternative exhibition projects and to the investigation of new ideas inspired by the sharing of diverse social experiences between artists, curators, collectors and professionals in the sector. The gallery aims to feature debut-emerging and mid-career artists, both local and foreigner, conceived to showcasing works that both reflect and refract the contemporary culture of life. The headquarters is located in Milan, Italy, but rather than adopt a gallery-as-sanctuary mentality, STUDIO MAFFEI MILANO encourages its artists to work freely, altering the space as they see fit, working on site-specific project around the world. Exhibitions will feature a broad range of contemporary art: painting, sculpture, film/video, performance, mixed-media, and conceptual installation.

ENVIRONMENT is garnering attention in four Eco-conscious cities in the United States and starting to build up great interest all over the world. The brand has won rave reviews from Time Magazine, New York Times, Elle Décor, Domino, Los Angeles Magazine, C Magazine and The Wall Street Journal amongst other publications. Home design and green bloggers are reviewing our designs on a daily basis. Part design consortium, part modern craftsman, Environment is a furniture brand unlike any other, underscoring its commitment to people and the planet through a forward thinking dedication to using materials and processes with low environmental impact and working together with organizations such as the Tropical Rainforest Trust (TFT) to eliminate illegal and controversial tropical wood from supply chains and replace it with wood from TFT forest projects from FSC certified forests.


876 Broadway New York NY

STUDIO MAFFEI MILANO wishes to thank: Corrado Abate, Fabrizio Braghieri, Luca De Santis, Tommaso Lipari, F.C. for their hard, invaluable and accurate work.Davide Berruto, Giovanni Gallizio, Carla Sofia, Camilla Trignano, Jean Marie Massaud, Amanda Gott, Marc Raul Sauve’, Marc Antony Valle and the Environment crew: we r...eally apprecciate your support. Alexandra Castelli, Tommaso Fantoni, Terry Richardson, Delfina Pianrdi, James Timmins, Stefania Pia, Vittoria Cerciello, Michelangelo Pistoletto, Margherita Cugini, Davide Rampello, Museo della Triennale di Milano, Luisa Guala, Andrea Zegna, Lorenzo Castellani, Alessandro Tieghi,Stefano Paiocchi, Paolo Righetto, Asli Turker, Nicolo’ Pelanda, Tjorg Douglas Beer and Forgotten Bar Project Berlin, Gian Enzo Sperone, Massimiliano Gioni and New Museum, Francesco Bonami and Whitney Museum, Trisha Brown, Julieta Aranda, Vito Acconci, Gagosian Gallery, Scott Matthew, Cecilia Bringheli, CB Shoes Made In Italy, Beniamino Marini, Igor Zanti, Alan Jones, Olivia Fincato, Lorenzo Bringheli, Andrea Durr, Veronica Lisette Basile, Filippo Loverre, Stefano Adani and GSG group, Filippo Fossati, Jennifer Bacon, Richard Nonas, Richard Serra, Gordon Matta Clark, Pietro Ruffo, Giulia Menarini, ISCP Brookling, Marco Piana, Dia Art Centere, Alice Pedroletti, PierAlvise Garretti, Franca Bartoletti, Riccardo Zingales, Nina, Carolina e Roberto Coda Zabetta, Alfredo Franco Botto, Benedetta Rossi, Ascanio Albini, Peter Tallia, Giorgio Marconi, Enrico Domenico Mossi, Giuseppe Calgaro, Silvia Stabile, Istituto Italiano di Cultura New York, Giuseppe Spagnulo, Gramercy Tavern, Francesco Clemente and the attendant, Luca Massimo Barbero, Fondazione Biennale di Venezia, Whitney Museum, Premio Arte Laguna, Art Forum, Salon 94 Gallery, Bowery Hotel, The Standard, Nicolo’ Masazza, Jacopo Bedogni aka Masbedo, M+B Gallery Los Angeles, Pietro Tatafiore, Giuseppe Salghetti Drioli and Kunstart, Umberto Russo, Artissima Torino and Andrea Bellini, The Don Gallery Milano, Alberto and Kus Brichetti, Eataly Tiziano, Oscar Farinetti for making this adventure possible and this experience unique.